Monday, May 16, 2011

Community Leaders My interview with Mark Bugg By: Brandi Price

My name is Brandi Price and my paper is based on an interview with my previous landlord, Mark Bugg.
  I have rented from Mark for the past 3 years.  He was not only an excellent landlord but also a great friend and help to our community.  Mark volunteers 20 plus hours a week at the Athens Homeless Shelter.  He does everything from cooking to making improvements around the shelter.  He also helps the residents find jobs.  Mark is well known in the homeless community of Athens, GA; he often visits homeless camps like “Tent City” and takes food, clothing, cell phones and hygiene products to the people.  Mark believes that bad things happen to good people.  A lot of people believe that if someone is homeless they are either too lazy to work or that they are addicted to drugs or alcohol.  Mark says that is not always the case and that everyone deserves a chance and some help.  “The homeless population will not simply go away just because we ignore it.  It should not be treated as our dirty little secret.” 
                When he is not busy at work managing his rental properties or volunteering at the shelter, he is spending time with his family.  The family is all members of Cornerstone Church in Athens, GA.  At the church Mark and his wife do volunteer work in the kitchen and daycare.

                I am proud to call Mark my dear friend.  We could use more people like him in our community and our world.


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