Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Christopher Walken

On March 31st, 1943, Ronald (Christopher) Walken was born in Queens, New York. Best known for his distinctive delivery and his tendency to play somewhat “unstable” characters, Walken has developed into somewhat of a cultural icon in his later years. Having earned recognition in decades past as best supporting actor at the Oscar’s for his role in The Deer Hunter, he felt free to play any role he was given; as if undaunted by any fear of failure. Evidence of this can even be seen recently in Fatboy Slim’s music video Weapon of Choice (2001), where Walken choreographed and performed his own dance routine for the entire duration of the video. That’s not surprising given that he originally was studying stage craft and dance at Hofstra University before dropping out a year in to go to Broadway.
Random Walken Facts:
·         Doesn’t use a computer, or own a cell phone.
·         Was the 2nd choice for the role of Han Solo in Star Wars: Episode IV.
·         His father, Paul, was a German born baker.
·         Always tries to work a dance into his movies.
·         Has acted in well over 90 movies, and hasn’t ruled out 200 by the time he’s done.
·         Worked briefly as a lion tamer at the age of 15.
·         Has a condition known as heterochromia. One of his eyes is blue and the other hazel.

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