Thursday, June 2, 2011

Karleton Skipper

My friend Karleton Skipper

Community Leaders Project

Cristinel Rotaru


uccess in life in anything depends, upon the number of persons that one can make himself agreeable to.

                       Thomas Carlyle

I chose to do my paper on my friend Karleton, not because he is my friend, but because he deserves to be recognized.  This is how I would like to express my appreciation.  Karleton Is a great person, and we became friends not long after we met.  We moved to Georgia in the same year, 2003 and we have been friends ever since.

 Where were you born?

I was born in Washington D.C, and I am a fourth generation Washingtonian.  I am African-American, with additional ancestral roots which include: Jamaican, Lumbee and Cherokee American Indian and Caucasian.

 Where did you go to school?

I finished high school in Washington, D.C, and I wanted to get away from home, so I decided to go to Lincoln Nebraska.  I attended Wesleyan University and graduated with a degree in Sociology in 1969.

  I know segregation was a big problem here in the south in 1960.   Did you experience the same problem when you went to school in Nebraska?

I was the only African American in my class.  I was treated fine, but, I had a number of restrictions; for example, I could not be a member of any of the school’s fraternities, but with all things considered I was treated with due respect.

  How did you become a police officer?

 In 1969-1970, a Sociologist was making approximately $6,600 a year; however the police department was hiring, and the salary was $8,500 a year.  After 17 weeks of training at the Police Academy, I graduated first in my class; and was able to choose a special assignment.   I selected the Special Operation Division of the Metropolitan Police Department, Washington, D.C.   I worked for nine years in the Tactical Section, and then later transferred to the tactical firing range as a Firearms Instructor.   After thirteen years at the range I transferred to the Metropolitan Police Helicopter Branch, and after three years I retired in 1995 with 25 years service.  Because of my qualifications, after three months of retirement I was offered a position, as a Special Agent for the United States Department of Transportation.  I served as personal security for three Secretaries during the Clinton administration.  Secretary Fedrico Peña, for two years, Secretary Rodney Slater for four years, and I retired under Secretary Norman Mineta.

   I know you have traveled all over the world working for the United States Department of Transportation, what is the most beautiful place you have ever been?

There were many beautiful places, but probably the most beautiful and majestic would have to be Beijing, China, specifically The Great Wall of China.

   I know you volunteered in the past (before you moved to Georgia) for the organization “Meals on Wheels” in Washington, D.C..  Can you tell me where you volunteered after you moved, and where you are volunteering now?

After my wife and I moved to Georgia, we volunteered for five years at the Winder Hospital, Winder Georgia.  We worked at the information desk, and performed related hospital duties. We gave devotionals, held monthly meetings, prayed with patients, and my wife published the Hospital Auxiliary newsletter.  Currently we are volunteering once a month, for the Soup Kitchen located at the Oconee Methodist Church in Athens.

What is the Soup Kitchen, and why do you do it?

The soup kitchen is a place where local churches and organizations around town donate their time and money, providing lunch for the homeless and less fortunate each day of the week.  Preparing meals for 90 to 100 people is not easy but, my greatest joy is when I look a homeless person in the eye, I see not as just a person in need, but a human being with the same needs as my own.   I know I cannot change the world, but extending kindness and a helping hand is a start.  Remembering: it’s all about service to others, even the least.

   I know you have had a good life, wonderful parents, loving and beautiful wife, caring son, and an adorable grandson.  What is the biggest accomplishment of your life?

The biggest accomplishment of my life is to know Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior.

   Are you happy with your life right now?

I’m extremely happy!  I’ve learned that happiness is more valuable than money.  My sister gave me some advice years ago, “If you really want to be happy in this life, take the time to help someone else.”  Happiness is not defined by material wealth.
“If you really want to be happy in this life, take time to help someone else.”

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ellen Lee DeGeneres

Description: Lee DeGeneres was born January 26, 1958 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She was the daughter of  an insurance salesman and a working mother who were divorced when DeGeneres was a teenager. When she was growing up she dreamed of becoming a veterinarian, but she gave up the idea because she was "not book smart." Instead, she waited tables, sold vacuum cleaners, painted houses, worked as a legal secretary.
DeGeneres' older brother, Vance, was the creator of the Play-Doh character "Mr. Bill" on the long-running NBC comedy skit program “Saturday Night live” , and was long considered the humorous member of the family. Then once, during a public speaking event, DeGeneres found herself frightened by the crowd and used humor to get through the experience. She was a hit, and received offers to do stand-up comedy. She began performing in 1981, bolstered by her mother's moral and financial support.
At the age of 23, she began performing at a local coffeehouse. She got her big debut in 1986 when, acting on a tip from Jay Leno, The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson sent a booking agent to catch her act at the Improv in Hollywood. As a result of that engagement, DeGeneres was invited onto The Tonight Show and earned the distinction of being the only female comic to be invited by Johnny Carson to sit on the famed "couch" during her first visit. She then began making regular appearances on the talk show circuit, including performances on The Late Show with David Letterman, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Later with Greg Kinnear, Larry King Live, and Good Morning, America. She was also profiled in detail on ABC's PrimeTime Live.
Her wit won over audiences, and DeGeneres finally found success as an actress with her own prime-time sitcom—the self-titled television series, Ellen. The series was originally titled These Friends of Mine, but was renamed in 1994. From that point, she enjoyed a dizzying evolution from its beginnings as an ensemble show to its development into a showcase for DeGeneres.
The show faced strong criticism when, in April 1997, DeGeneres' character became the first lead in sitcom history to openly acknowledge her homosexuality on air. An ABC affiliate in Birmingham, Alabama, refused to air the landmark episode. Fearing controversy, some of the show's sponsors, Daimler Chrysler among them, withdrew advertisements.
While growing up, Ellen battled internally with issues involving her sexual preference. As an adult she actively participates in organizations that benefit the people who are victims of hate crimes and discrimination. Recently Ellen posted an emotional video about teenage bullying that has resulted in suicide. The talk show host promotes many resources that support the anti- bullying problem which is a major issue in today’s society.  Ellen is very passionate about the subject and encourages the public to donate to organizations that are working to prevent the problem.
Born and raised in Louisiana, Ellen is not only into community service she also has a background in stand-up comedy. Years ago, after struggling to cope with the death of her girlfriend, who died in a tragic accident, she began her career as a comedian.
 Ellen has the excellent ability to light up any stage and make millions of people laugh. Laughter is good for the soul, and Ellen is quite the comedian. Despite discovering her new talent she still wasn’t happy with herself.  The thought always haunted her that if everyone found out that she was gay, they wouldn’t like her, laugh at her or support her career. Eventually she decided that her dignity was far more important and she did not want to live in shame anymore so she ousted her sexual preference.
As a result, her career took a turn for the worse. According to a commencement speech given by the celebrity in 2009 at Tulane University, her sitcom was canceled after six years and no one wanted to work with her. But on a positive note, she received letters from people who were contemplating suicide but chose not to end their lives because Ellen paved the way and set an example for the public eye. After that experience Ellen realized that she had a purpose in life. She was later offered a TV show that initially no one wanted to buy in to because they didn’t think that it would be successful.
During the speech, Ellen said after losing everything, she found out that the most important thing is to be true to yourself.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cornel West

ornel West was born on June 2, 1953 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is a renowned author, philosopher, civil rights activist and critic. Dr. West is an advocate for education, civil rights, and social equality, and has fought for the rights of those who are afraid to fight for themselves. He was in involved in several civil rights demonstrations in the late 60’s and 70’s. The bulk of his work focuses on race, gender, and class in American society. West graduated from Harvard with a BA (magna cum laude) and Princeton with an MA and PhD. West drew his inspiration from several sources, including, his mother, who was a teacher and principal at Irene B West Elementary School(named in her honor). The importance of education was instilled in him at a young age. As a kid, West was also deeply touched by the stories of fellow parishioners who, only two generations from slavery, told stories of Blacks maintaining their religious faith during the most trying of times. Dr. West was equally attracted to the commitment of the Black Panthers. From them he learned the importance of community-based political leadership. West is a professor of African American studies at Princeton University, but spends most of his time traveling the country speaking to a diverse audience, which includes, academic, political, and religious lectures. From schools, community centers, prisons churches, mosques, universities, and trade unions. Dr. West has been called “one of the world’s most influential intellectuals”. Race Matters, one of west’s many books, changed the course of America’s dialogue on race, justice, and democracy. Other note worthy works include; “Democracy Matters”, “Hope on A Tightrope”, and “Living and Loving Out loud” to name a few. Although he makes good money West says that his aim is to touch minds and settle souls and that he will continue to do so until the day he dies.          

Mary Kay Ash

Mary Kay Ash was a woman with a dream.  She worked for direct sales most of her career. She loved what she did, but was tired of not getting recognized for her work because she was a women. At that time men were superior and women could not make more income than a man. So in 1963 Mary Kay started a cosmetic company with her life savings of $5,000. She designed it as a company dedicated to making life more beautiful for women. It was founded not on the competitive rule, but on the Golden Rule and on praising people to success. She also base the company on the principle of placing faith first, family second and career third. It was a company, as Mary Kay often said, “with heart.”
Her ultimate goal to create a company that would provide women with the resources to create a executive income while being able to take care of their families and home.  She also wanted women to know how important they are, especially since she never got the recognition that she thought she deserved. When she started this company she promised that all of her employees would receive the highest quality gifts. By 1994 she had given away 7 thousand cars, valued at 1 million dollars. Today there are more than 2 millions consultants with the Mary Kay Company!  Mary Kay’s goal has defiantly come to life and continues to grow everyday.
Many women’s lives have been changed due to this company. Not only are women becoming financially independent, but also they are increasing their self-esteem and personal growth.  Mary Kay truly created a company that would impact the lives of millions of women and she would be proud of where it is today.

Brittney Moore-Community Leaders

President Barack Hussein Obama by Keinon Hampton

Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, HI on August 04 , 1961. He is the 44th president of the United States of America and the first African-American to hold office. He is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the president of the Harvard Law Review. He also was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree as well as practicing civil law, and from 1992 to 2004 taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School. Obama previously served three terms as a United States Senator of Illinois from January 1997 until November 2008 when he was elected to the Presidency. His presidential campaign began in 2007 after defeating Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton in the 2008 Democratic Party Presidential Primaries. He then went on to win the 2008 Presidential Election against Republican nominee John McCain and inaugurated on January 20, 2009. In October 2009 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and as President, Obama signed various important legislations such as the American Recovery and Reinstatement Act of 2009, the Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2010, and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. As for foreign policy President Obama has gradually withdrew troops from Iraq and increased them in Afghanistan. He ordered the enforcement of a No Fly Zone over Libya that was sanctioned by the United Nations earlier this year, and on May 1st 2011 President Obama announced that he had authorized Navy Seal Team 6 to kill the leader of Al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan.